Sunday, May 26, 2013

May Rhodies

We visited friends and family last May up near Seattle, where I sketched the rhododendrons outside the window. 
They seemed to be illuminated from inside, a trick of nature that I assume comes from the deep fir forest background.  Later I was commissioned to do this painting, a combination of acrylic and inks.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Call and Response Explained

A few years back, my friend Alice Ann suggested a unique kind of "round robin" for a group of eight artists in various media.  She dubbed it "Call and Response", like a jazz music exchange - you play one note, I respond with the next.  Each artist created a "Call piece", based on an agreed-upon theme.  The first one I participated in was color - we each pulled a color out of a hat, and made our piece around that as a starting point.  Then each Call piece was passed to each artist in turn, one a month, until at the end of eight months, I had seen all of the other calls, and made a piece in response.  A picture helps - these are the "responses" to my "call":

The theme was shapes, and I was lucky enough to pick "spiral" out of the hat (see the previous post for a closeup).  There were seven other clusters, one for each call and the associated responses.  Media includes photography, textiles, weaving, ceramics, glass, paintings, lino cuts... you name it.  This format makes for a great exhibition (we've been invited back every year to exhibit at the Giustina Gallery of the LaSells Stewart Center), and the time constraints keep us very productive.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Getting Ready for C & R 2013: Looking Back at Call and Response 2012

I am just finishing up my paintings for the 2013 Exhibition of "Call and Response"... but we have a pact not to let anyone see them until our "reveal", which isn't scheduled for a couple of months - so as a "placeholder" for my new blog, here is my Call from 2012.